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Does the molding machine need to be covered with a waterproof cover when it is not used for a long time?

Yes, it is recommended to cover the molding machine with a waterproof cover when it is not in use for a long time. There are several main reasons for doing this:
Moisture and rust prevention: If a molding machine is not used for a long time and is exposed to a humid environment, it is easy to cause rusting of components or dampness of electrical components, which can affect the performance and lifespan of the equipment. Covering with a waterproof cover can effectively isolate moisture and moisture from the outside, protecting equipment from moisture damage.
Dust and dirt prevention: In addition to moisture prevention, the waterproof cover can also play a role in dust and dirt prevention. Long term equipment can easily accumulate dust and dirt, which may have adverse effects on the operation of the equipment. Using a waterproof cover can reduce the intrusion of these impurities and keep the equipment clean.
Protecting device integrity: Covering the device with a waterproof cover can also prevent accidental collision or damage, ensuring the integrity and safety of the device.
In summary, in order to ensure the performance and lifespan of the molding machine, as well as to ensure that the equipment can still maintain good condition after long-term use, it is recommended to cover it with a waterproof cover for protection when not in use for a long time. At the same time, it is also important to regularly inspect and maintain equipment to ensure that it is always in a usable state.
In addition, although some types of motors (such as composite motors, dry motors, or motors using energy-saving equipment) may not require additional rain covers due to their own design or safety devices, using waterproof covers is still an effective protective measure for equipment such as molding machines. Therefore, when considering whether to use waterproof covers, judgments should be made based on the specific situation of the equipment and the usage environment.

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